ActSix provides Management Consulting and Human Resources services to:
ActSix begins all management and HR programs by identifying leadership's core values. We then observe your organization's current practices to assess how your values are being expressed in day-to-day operations.
We analyze your team members to see who is "engaged, disengaged, and actively-disengaged" through employee assessments.
To streamline your operation, we recommend that actively disengaged employees be let go.
ActSix revitalizes your organization with improved management and HR systems. We design culture change initiatives to improve organizational health;
the importance of this to your success cannot be overstated.
After strengthening the foundations of your organization, we work to maximize your organization’s potential by creating a leadership succession plan. ActSix will help you to identify and develop your successor, safeguarding your legacy.
Great management consultants must have people who implement their plans and understand HR in order to optimize results.
Great HR consultants must understand business in order to reach the full potential of an organization's HR initiatives.
ActSix specializes in both disciplines—management and human resources.